The first day of school this year was bittersweet. Jessica would have been a sophomore at SIUE. Kelli would have been a freshman, just starting CHS. I remember when Kelli first started 5th grade. The school combined the 5th and 6th grade classes from all the elementary schools into one building. She was so nervous, coming from a school where there was one class per grade. She knew everyone in that school. She made new friends, still hung out with the old ones, and excelled, just like I knew she would.
Jessica never had a problem making friends. We moved to Collinsville when she was in 4th grade. I remember her teacher telling me that she didn’t know Jessica hadn’t lived here all her life, because she had so many friends so quickly.
Maddy started 4th grade, and it’s her last year before she goes to the 5th and 6th grade center. She said she was nervous about starting school, because at the end of this year, everything changes. I think she’ll do fine. She, like her sisters, has a great personality and doesn’t have any trouble talking!