News and Upcoming Events

The criminal trial will in all likelihood be continued until April 26, 2010.   The civil hearing is still set for April 19, 2010.

The latest news article about the motion to dismiss can be read here.

A memorial blood drive will be held on February 23, 2010, from 3pm to 8pm at the KC Hall in Collinsville, IL.


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2 Responses to News and Upcoming Events

  1. Robin says:

    I saw a teaser on the news tonight about the possibility of a dismissal and it made me furious! I don’t even care what the excuse is.

    Brian’s going to try to make it to the blood drive.

  2. Robin says:

    Holy shit. I just read the article. For real? An officer of the law claiming it didn’t know it was illegal to drive his patrol car over 100 mph? That is the biggest pile of b.s. I have ever seen. Ever.

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